Vet in Lake Forest, CA
Pet Avian Medicine and Surgery
We are equipped to handle a wide variety of medical conditions, including emergencies.

Pet Avian Medicine and Surgery Care
Birds are good at hiding signs of illness, so if you notice that your bird is acting unusual or if something just doesn’t seem right, call us as soon as possible.

Pet Avian Medicine and Surgery in Lake Forest, CA
Avian Infectious Disease Testing
- Psittacosis (Chlamydophila)
- Polyoma
- Beak and Feather Disease
- Bornavirus
Avian Chronic Egg-laying Options
- Behavioral
- Medical
- Surgical
Avian Feather Picking and Self-mutilation
At Serrano Animal & Bird Hospital we examine your pet and look for any underlying medical causes and work with your bird’s behavior, environmental factors, and the owner to develop a treatment plan.
Wing Clipping
Having your bird’s feathers professionally clipped helps ensure that the right feathers are removed without irritating the skin. Improperly clipped wings can cause your bird to pluck or chew its feathers. In addition, inexperienced wing clipping can result in a blood feather being accidentally trimmed, a situation that can become life-threatening. We can perform this procedure safely while preserving the aesthetic appearance of your bird. Please feel free to call us to discuss this option, as well as any concerns you might have, or to set up an appointment.
Toenail Trims
Be careful if you perform this procedure at home. In fact, we only suggest that you attempt this at home if your bird is small and has white nails (which allow you to see the blood vessels). We also suggest you keep a caustic agent, such as styptic powder, on hand in case a nail bleeds.
Providing perches with rough surfaces can help reduce the frequency of nail trimming, but do not use sandpaper perches. They don’t wear down the nails and can cause skin problems.
Beak Trims
Some birds, however, develop beak problems and require veterinary assistance. Regular assessment and specific tailoring to your bird’s needs, including correcting therapeutic trims and plans to help abnormal beak growth should be done with experienced veterinarians. Do not attempt to trim your bird’s beak at home. Call us to schedule an appointment.